
    在表示学科的名词前一般不用冠词。如:chinese, english, maths, physics, history等。在三餐饭和球类运动名词前一般不加冠词。如:have breakfast/ lunch/ supper, play basketball/ football等。
    在季节、节日、星期、月份前不用冠词。如:autumn, summer, winter, spring, teacher”s day, children”s day, sunday, february等。
    在表颜色、语种和国家名词前不用冠词。如:white, brown, french, australia等。
    doctor green is a scientist.
    the red sea,the pacific ocean,the persian gulf, the yangtze river
    the great lakes(五大湖);lake erie(伊利湖)
    2)有球无星:地球,月亮用the;行星不用the: mars,venus;
    3)有山无峰:the huangshan mountains(黄山);mount everest(珠穆朗玛峰);
    mount(or mt.) tai(泰山)。
    4)有独无欧(偶):独一无二的,the earth,the moon,the sun用the;
    europe,africa,asia,north america,south america,antarctica,oceania
    5)有(足)族无球(运动):种族用the:the indians(印第安人);球类运动
    the constitution(宪法); chapter one
    the university of fudan; fudan university
    表示时间的介词(at 、on、in、at、before ,after、by、 until、through、from、since、within)
    at noon在午时 at night在夜间 at present目前
    (2)on:用于星期,某天,某一天的上午、下午、晚上(指具体的某一天时,一律用) on sunday在星期天 on sunday morning 在星期天的上午
    on march 8 在3月8日
    in 1999 在1999年 in november 在11月份
    in summer 在夏季 in the afternoon在下午
    i think he will be back in an hour .我想他一小时后就会回来。
    i heard that she would be back in a month.我听说她一个月后回来的。
    wei hua got up before 7 o‘clock this morning .今天早晨,魏华在7点之前起床了。
    after that ,no noe should ever kill a seagull . 从那时起,任何人不得捕杀海鸥。
    by the time i arrived ,she had already gone .
    florence often worked for twenty-four hours without rest .
    during the lifetime of one man ,north america and europe will more further apart by nearly two metres .
    he ,who led the united states through these years ,was shot on april 14, 1865 ,at a theater in washington
    the worders were made to work from 7 in the morning to 7 in the evening .工人们被迫从早7点工作到晚7点。
    since that time ,my eyes had never been very good.从那时起,我的眼睛一直不是很好。
    he will arrive within an hour .他一小时内就人到。
    表示地点介词(at、in、on 、under、over、above、below、near、by、between、among、around、around、in front of、behind、in 、into、out of、along、across、,through、
    (1) at:在某地点(表示比较狭窄的场所)
    at school上学 at home在家 at 320 xinfu district 在新抚区320号
    at the station 在火车站
    she will arrive in shanghai at ten .10点她将到达上海。
    (3)表示地点方向的on ,under ,over ,above ,below
    on the table 在桌子上面
    sometimes juliana could hear planes above the trees.
    over these tombs ,they built pyramids .在这些坟墓上,他们建起了金字塔。
    the twin sisters put the basket under the tree .这姐俩把篮子放到了树下。
    three thousand metres below her ,she could see nothing except the thick jungle .
    (4)near ,by
    ①near:近的,不远的(=not far)是的反义词,near还可以指时间,in the near future在不远的将来。
    green‘s lake was a small lake near his home .格林湖是他家附近的一个小湖。
    juliana walked by the side of the river for six more long days .
    (5)between ,among ,around
    the differences between american english and british english are not very great .美国英语和英国英语之间的差别不是很大。