
    一、 单词
    水果:apple 苹果 orange橙子 pear梨 peach桃子 strawberry草莓 litchis 荔枝 mangoes芒果
    sweet orange 蜜橘 dates 枣子 cherries 樱桃 grapes葡萄 longans桂圆 loquats枇杷
    kiwi fruit奇异果
    1. ---Help yourself to an orange. ---Thank you very much.
    --- Help yourself to some pears. ---Thanks a lot.
    2.--- What fruit do yo like best? ---I like mangoes best.
    br: bread brother brown bright
    fr: fridge frog fruit Friday French fries
    pr:present prince princess
    cr:crab crow cry
    gr:granny grape grass
    一、 单词
    by bus 乘坐公共汽车 by bike骑自行车 by ship坐轮船 by taxi坐出租车 by car坐汽车
    by plane坐飞机 by train 坐火车 on foot 走路
    ---How can we get to Beijing?我们怎么去北京? ---Let’s go by train.坐火车去吧。
    cl: clap clean clock close climb
    gl: glad glass globe glue glide
    一、 单词
    tired 疲惫的 have a rest 休息 thirsty口渴 have some water 喝些水 sleepy 困乏的 work工作
    uncomfortable 不舒服 watch TV看电视 have a headache 头疼 have a cough 咳嗽
    have a fever 发烧 have a cold 感冒 see a doctor看医生 take some medicine 吃些药
    stay in bed 躺在床上 put on more clothes 多穿些衣服
    1. ---I feel hungry. ---You’d better eat some bread.
    --- I feel terrible. --- You’d better not eat too much.
    2.---What’s wrong with you?/What’s the matter with you?
    ---I have a headache.
    ---You’d better see a doctor. /You should see a doctor.
    bl black bless blue
    fl: floor flower fly
    pl;plane plate plus