
    “辅+元+辅+e”结构中,元音发本音,即发在字母表中的音,比如:home lake like made cute 等词中的元音发音。这也是音标题中比较常考的一类;
    We seea green tree.
    e ea ee
    A big pig is pink.
    1.发音要点: 此音和/i:/的发音要点十分接近,发音类似汉字’’衣’’的发音,但是声音要短促,同时有力些;
    i y ey
    “蝴蝶音” “最美的音”
    The fat cat has jam.
    2.发这个音的字母或字母组合: a
    a:at/dad/sad/cat /bad/apple/bag/hand/jam/rat /van/ant/black/fat/have/stand/
    1.发音要点: 我们来说“Yeah!’’, 说完嘴巴保持不动,振动声带,此时嘴巴开口比/I/
    e ea a ie
    e: pen/pencil/red/ten/egg/letter/dress
    ea: bread/head
    a: many/any
    ie: friend
    2./ɑ:/ 常见的发这个音的字母或字母组合:
    ar a
    u o ou
    u: up/bus/cup/run/sun/mum/summer/butterfly
    o: son/come/colour/lovely
    ou: rough/touch
    al or
    al: ball/tall/wall/small/talk
    or: horse/corn/short
    a aa
    长元音 / ɜ: /
    1.发音要点: 脸部肌肉放松,嘴巴微张开,舌头自然垂放,振动声带.类似拖长了
    2. / ɜ: / 发这个音的字母或字母组合:
    ir ur er or
    • ir:bird/girl/shirt/birthday/circle
    • er:her/hers
    • or:word/work/worker/world
    短元音 / ə/
    1.发音要点:/ ɜ: /的短音版本,通常出现在非重读音节里,因此发音有点有点轻
    2. / ə / 发这个音的字母或字母组合:
    a e i o u ; er, or, ur, ar
    元音字母或元音字母组合在非重音音节中常弱化为 / ə /
    长元音 / u: /
    2. / u: / 发这个音的字母或字母组合:
    oo u o ue ou
    • oo: too/cool/food/moon/room/zoo
    • u: ruler
    • o: do/who
    • ue: blue/glue
    • ou: you/soup
    短元音 / ʊ/
    / u: /的短音版本,发音要短促有力
    2. [ʊ] 发这个音的字母或字母组合:
    oo u o ou
    • oo: good/book/look/cook/foot
    • u: put/pull/full/bull
    • o:wolf
    • ou:would
    1. 指定冠词与不定冠词:
    2. 元音发音要用an:
    1) 通常以a,e,i,o,u开头的可数名词单数要用an
    2) 26个字母里面有些字母单独列出,也需要用an.口诀 “Mr. Line has a fox” 中的字母前都用an,其余都用a
    e.g. There is an “m” and a “p” in theword “map”.
    3. 球类前不加the,乐器前要加the;
    4. the +形容词表一类人;
    5. 独一无二事物,形容词最高级,序数词,方位名词前要加the。
    6. “the”表特指搭配需注意:
    e.g. go to hospital 去看病 go to the hospital 去看病人
    go to church 做礼拜 go to the church去教堂做特定的某件事
    7. 固定搭配需注意
    e.g. go on a diet, make a living, at the same time等。
    1. 以a, e, i, o, u开头的可数名词单数不用an,要用a:
    归纳可得:U开头发 “u” 本音的要用a,e.g. a useful book, a uniform, a university.
    U开头不发本音的都用an, e.g. an umbrella, anunusual day
    O 在中考唯一特例是one,e.g. a one-day trip
    E 在中考唯一特列是European,e.g. a European country.
    2. 虽然不以a, e, i, o, u开头,但是仍然要用an:
    An honest boy, an hour
    3. 职位,称谓前不加the:
    e.g. The man, father of Tom, is a good man.
    We chose David to be chairman of our country.
    4. 汉语拼音前不加the:
    e.g. Yangpu Bridge is one of the longest bridges in China.
    1. 表时间区别:
    (l) in, on, at
    at 一般表示一个时间点,指某一点时间(几点几分,中午,黄昏等)或在……岁时。
    (2)after, in
    2. 表示地点的介词
    (l)on, in, at
    (2)above, over
    (3)between, among
    (5)in, on, to
    1.In front of/ in the front of 区别:
    In frontof 表示在…前面(外部);in thefront of 表示在…的前端(内部
    2.besides,except,except for
    besides表示除了一部分还有另一部分,表示附加;except表示“从同类中排除一部分”,表示排斥;except for表示整体中的一部分
    e.g. help oneself to sth. enjoy oneself 等
    2.不定代词both, neither, all,none, either用法区分。
    3.不定代词something, anything,nothing等和形容词的位置关系,必须放在形容词前。
    4.little, few, a little, a few, much, many等词用法区分。
    5.it, one, that, those表示指代作用时的用法区分。
    1. other系列用法区别:
    another+名词单数 other+名词复数
    one the other(二者之间)
    ○ ○
    one another (不定范围中的另一个)
    ○ ○ ○….
    some…the others(一定范围的其余所有部分)
    2 .any, any other转换:
    不同点:前后不在同一范围内用any,在同一范围内用any other
    e.g. Liuxiang runs faster than any athlete in Europe.
    Liuxiang runs faster than any other athlete in China.
    3.a friend of mine双重所有格结构需注意
    hundred,thousand, million等用法:
    1)有数字后面不能加s e.g. 3 hundred students
    2)前面不能加数字,后面加s和of e.g. hundreds of students
    3)前面有限定词about, only, more than 等后面必须跟具体数字only 3hundred students
    4)表示范围内的多少,可以又有数字又有of e.g. three hundred of thestudents
    1. 固定搭配 e.g. in one’s +基数词复数 e.g. in my fifties
    2. 序数词与a 连用表示又一,再一 e.g. a second time
    1 单复数变化:
    1)单复数同体:sheep, deer, Chinese,Japanese
    3)前后都需要变复数:two women doctors
    2 不可数名词前的量词可变复数:two pieces of information.
    3 不规则名词变化需注意
    4 名词的词性变化需积累
    Mary and Tom’s room 表示两个人共同的房间
    Mary’s and Tom’s rooms 表示两个人每人一个房间
    1) a lot of, lots of , plenty of ,enough加可数/不可数名词
    2) a number of+可数名词+动词复数形式
    the number of+可数名词+动词单数形式
    3) a large amount of , amountsof , a great deal of 修饰不可数名词
    2.修饰比较级的词:much, a little, a bit, far, even, still
    3.原级比较级最高级几个特殊句型:as…….as用于肯定句/否定句 so…..as 只能用于否定句
    4 .–ing表示令人…的,多修饰事;–ed表示感到…的,修饰人;
    1.感官动词+ adj.
    e.g. Keep our classroom clean ; look sad;
    2.常用形容词和副词的辨析, 以ly结尾仍然是形容词:likely, lovely, lonely,lively, friendly
    3.不去e的adj: changeable
    去e的adj. truly, argument
    4.one of+最高级+名词复数
    1)并列连词主要有:and,but,or,nor,so,therefore,yet,however,for,as wellas,both…and, not only…but also. either…or, neither…nor,then等。
    Study hard and you will catch up with yourclassmates.
    If you study hard, you will catch up withyour classmates.
    It was getting late, but Mr. Smith still workedin the field.
    Though it was getting late, Mr Smith didn'tstop working in the field.
    -I didn't use to wash hands before meals. -Nor/Neither did I.
    -I was interested inscience fiction. -So was I.
    -Tom likes watchingfootball games very much.-So do I.
    There is no air or water on the moon.
    There is no air and no water on the moon
    1)常见的从属连词有:after,when,before,as,while,since,once,until, till,although,though, if, even if, unless, because, than, whether, so that, assoon as, as long as, in order that, as if, as though, now that, so that, suchthat等。
    He jumped up when the phone rang.当电话铃响时他吓了一跳。
    (2)表示 “自从”或 “直到”的时间连词。主要有since,until,till等;
    Most men worked until\till they're 65.大多数男人工作到65岁。
    这类连词主要有if,unless, as\so long as,in case等。
    If anyone calls, tell them I'm not at home.
    主要有in order that,so that,in case,for fear(that)等。
    Speak clearly so that they may understand you.
    主要有so that,so that,suchthat等。
    It's so difficult a question that none of us can answer it.
    1. both…and.,neither…nor.,either…or.是另一组并列连词,分别对两者表示全部肯定、全部否定和局部肯定。both…and.在并列两个主语时,动词职复数;而其他两个在并列两个主语时,动词却是“就近原则”。
    Both he and Iareteachers.(动词用复数)
    Either he or I amwrong.(就近原则)
    Neither he nor I am a teacher.(就近原则)
    2.Not only…but also…和…as well as.这两组也是并列连词,在句中并列两个相同的成分,但侧重点略有不同:
    not only…but also.强调的是后者;而…as wellas.强调的却是前面部分。
    Not only…but also…并列两个主语时,谓语动词采用的方法是“就近原则”;
    而…as well as…并列两个主语的时候,谓语动词是要与其前面的主语取得一致。
    Mr. Lee is not only our teacher but also our friend.(老师是职业,朋友才是递进)
    Mr. Lee is our friend as well as our teacher;(除了是老师外,还是朋友,侧重点在前面)
    Not only Tom but also I am interested in the film.(就近原则,谓语动词与I取得一致)
    I as well as Tom am interested in the film.(句中的as well as Tom只是一种补充说明)
    注意:使用就近原则的结构有:not only…but also…,either…or….,neither…nor…, there/here be.;
    而谓语动词跟前面一个主语(有时也称就远原则)的结构有:A as well as B; A with B;
    1.Could/Would youtell me...? could---委婉语气,不表示过去式
    2.不用换语序:What’s the matter/ What’s going on/ What happened
    3.宾语从句改为简单句:→ 疑问词+ to do 做宾语
    1. 实义动词用法:
    He needs to finish the work right now.
    He doesn’t need to finish the work right now.
    He needs food.
    He doesn’t need food
    2. 情态动词用法:
    He need to finish the work right now.
    He needn’t finish the work right now.
    2.正在进行时的被动语态表达:be being done
    2.变成to do, doing, done形式时的区别
    1.forget, remember, try, stop等+to do/doing 区别
    e.g. I have no pen to write with.
    There is a chair to siton.
    1.spend,cost, take, pay区分
    2.rise,raise 区分
    3.lie表示撒谎和躺 lay表示下蛋和放置的过去式/过去分词区分
    动词词组常考搭配的辨析:take off, put off, set off等
    1.That's all right
    2.That's OK
    3.Not at all
    4.You're welcome:
    5.Don't mention it
    6.It is a pleasure
    7.I'm glad you enjoy.等
    1.That's all right
    2.It doesn't matter
    3.Never mind
    4.Forget it
    5.That's nothing等
    1. ----Would you mind my…..? 提问标准回答
    ----Certainlynot./ Of course not./ Not at all.(表示根本不介意)
    ----You’dbetter not. / I’d rather you didn’t. (表示介意)
    2. With pleasure做事前,表示我很乐意为您去做。常用来回答别人的请求
    My pleasure / it’s a (my) pleasure. 做事后,这是我的荣幸。常用来回答别人的道谢。
    3. That’s right 那是对的
    All right 好的
    That’s all right 没关系