
    Unit 8
    A 1b—2b
    1. turn on sth. 打开...
    2. cut up sth. (cut 代 up) 切碎某物
    3. pour A into B 把 A 到入B 中
    4. put A in/on B 把A放到B 里/上
    5. How much + 不可数名词 多少.....
    6. How many + 可数名词
    多少 .......
    7. a cup of ... 一杯.....
    8. two cups of... 两杯.....
    9. one spoon of... 一勺.....
    10. three spoons of ... 三勺....
    11. Russian soup 罗素汤
    12. .add A (to B) 把A添加到B中
    13. After that, ... 在那之后
    14. cook...for +段时间
    15. One more thing, ...还有一件事
    16. forget to do sth. 忘记做某事
    17. put A into B 把A放到B里
    18. take out ... from ...
    A 2d
    1. add ... to ... 添加……到……
    2. Russian soup 罗宋汤
    3. another 10 minutes另外10分钟
    4. What’s next? 下一步是什么?
    5. That’s it? 这就完了吗?
    6. one more thing 还有一件事
    7. forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事
    8. add some salt加一些咸盐
    B 1b/1e
    1. a piece of bread 一片面包
    2. How much butter? 多少黄油?
    3. cheese sandwich 奶酪三明治
    4. put ... on ... 把......放在......上
    5. How many tomatoes?
    6. cut up an onion 切一个洋葱
    7. How much cheese?
    8. put...on top 把......放在顶端
    B 2b /3a
    1. in most countries 在大多数国家
    2. on special holidays
    3. give thanks for sth.
    4. in the autumn 在秋季
    5. at this time 此时
    6. about 400 years ago
    7. many of them 他们中的很多(人)
    8. in the next autumn
    9. in their new home 在他们的新家
    10. at home 在家
    11. the idea of giving thanks.
    13. by doing sth. 通过做某事
    14. have a big meal with sb.
    15. the main dish of this meal 这餐的主菜
    16. turkey dinner 火鸡宴
    17. one way to do sth. 做某事的一个方法
    18. a way of doing sth.
    19. mix sth. together
    20. fill A with B 用A填满B
    21. put sth.in a hot oven
    22. place A on B 把A放置B上面
    23. a large plate 一个大盘子
    24. cover A with B 用B盖上A
    25. cut sth. into thin pieces
    26. eat sth. with sth.
    27. serve sth. to sb. 向某人服务...
    28. cook sth. at a high temperature
    29. put sth. together in B
    30. rice noodles 米线
    31. make the chicken very hot
    32. It’s time (for sb. ) to do