
    Unit1 Welcome to the unit A部分
    Daniel is reading about a writing competition in Teenagers magazine. He is matching the qualities on the left with the questions on therighL Help him write the correct letters in theboxes.
    1 helpful
    2 honest
    3 keeps a secret
    4 makes me happy
    5 shares my joy
    What makes your friend so special?
    a Does he/she care about you when you are sad?
    b Do you talk to him/her when you are happy?
    c Can you tell him/her everything about yourself?
    d Is he/she ready to help when you have problems?
    e Do you believe what he/she says?
    Write to Tee7zagers magazine about your best friend!
    Unit1 Welcome to the unit B部分
    Daniel and Amy are talking about what qualities are important in gooci friends. Work in pairs and talk about what qualities you think are important. Use the conversation below as a model. The words in the box may help you.
    Daniel:What makes good friends,Amy?
    Amy:Well,good friends should be honest. You can trust them because they never tell lies.
    Daniel:Yes,that's very important. I think good friends should be interesring too. They can also tell you funny jokes.
    Amy:Yes, that's true. I also think good friends should be helpful.埃米:是的,确实是那样。我还认为好朋友应该是有帮助的。
    Daniel:I agree.
    Unit1 第6页部分
    1 I'm hungry,Eddie.
    I have a cake. Do you want some?
    2 Yes.please I'm thirsty too. Can I have something to drink?
    What about some milk?
    3 0K. Thanks. You're so kind,Eddie. Can I have some more food?
    Sorry, Hobo. There's nothing in the fridge.
    4 What about the pizza in your bowl? Maybe we can share it.
    My best friend
    What qualities are important in good friends?
    Teenagers magazine is inviting teenagers to write about their best friends.
    Task:Write about your best friend.