
    child---children,foot---feet, tooth---teeth
    mouse---mice,man---men , woman---women
    注意:与 man 和 woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是 -men 和-women。
    如: an Englishman,two Englishmen. 但German不是合成词,故复数形式为Germans;Bowman是姓,其复数是the Bowmans。
    2、单复同形 如:
    li,jin,yuan,two li,three mu,four jin
    如: a dollar, two dollars;  a meter, two meters
    如people police cattle 等本身就是复数,不能说 a people,a police,a cattle,但可以说a person,a policeman,a head of cattle,the English,the British,the French,the Chinese,the Japanese,the Swiss 等名词,表示国民总称时,作复数用。
    如: The Chinese are industries and brave. 中国人民是勤劳勇敢的。
    a. maths,politics,physics等学科名词,为不可数名词,是单数。
    b. news 是不可数名词。
    c. the United States,the United Nations 应视为单数。
    如:The United Nations was organized in 1945. 联合国是1945年组建起来的。
    d. 以复数形式出现的书名,剧名,报纸,杂志名,也可视为单数。
    如:“The Arabian Nights” is a very interesting story-book.
    5、 表示由两部分构成的东西,如:glasses (眼镜) trousers, clothes
    若表达具体数目,要借助数量词 pair(对,双); suit(套); a pair of glasses; two pairs of trousers
    1.thousands of / millions of / hundreds and hundreds of / hundreds of thousands of / thousands upon thousands of 成千上万
    例:There are hundreds of thousands of people in the park. 公园里的人有千百个。
    2. in twos and threes 三三两两
    例:They came home from church by twos and threes. 他们三三两两地从教堂回来。
    3. at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟
    例:His wife was away and the house was at sixes and sevens. 他妻子不在,家里乱七八糟的。
    4. in ones fifties 在五十多岁时(fifties 前可插入 early, late, mid-, middle)
    例:The boys are all in their teens. 那些男孩年纪都在十几岁。
    Jane is only in her early forties. 简才刚刚四十出头。
    She was in her mid-twenties. 她有二十五、六岁。
    He was then in his late seventies. 他当时已经快八十岁了。
    5. in the 1960s (in the 1960s) 二十世纪六十年代
    例:He made acquaintance of her in the 1960s. 六十年代他认识了她。
    Although in written English, there’re spaces between every word, in spoken English there’re always never pauses between words.
    In order to understand spoken English, it is essential to understand how this linking is done.
    Today let’s concentrate on the most common sound linking situation.
    Whenever a word ending in a consonant sound is followed by a word beginning with a vowel sound, the consonant sound is linked to the vowel sound as if they were part of the same word.
    Let’s look at some examples.
    I’d like another bowl of rice, please.
    First, note that although there’re six words in the sentence, all the words are linked together without pause.
    Listen again.
    I’d like another bowl of rice, please.
    Now listen to how the words “like” and “another” are linked.
    现在听下单词 “like”和 “another”是如何连在一起的。
    “Like another”, “like-another”. “Like” ends in a consonant sound, and “another” begins with a vowel sound.
    单词 “like” 是以辅音结束的,而单词 “another” 是以元音开始的。
    So the “k” from “like” is linked to the “a” from “another” to produce “kanother”.
    因此,单词 “like” 中的 “k” 和单词 “another” 中的 “a” 连在一起发 “kanother”.
    Listen to the example sentence again.
    I’d like another bowl of rice, please.
    In the sentence there is another example of a consonant being linked to a vowel.
    A bowl of, a bowl-of. A bowl of, a bowl-of.
    It sounds like that you’re saying the word “love”.
    听起来像在说单词 “love”。
    Here’s another example.
    I’d love a bowl of rice.
    This sound linking is probably the biggest problem for learners of English when they try to understand native speaker’s talking.
    We’ll talk more about sound linking in future daily tips, as this is an extremely important feature of spoken English.
    Today’s tip is to link consonants to vowels which come after them. Till then, tomorrow, for another daily tip.