
    Today’s tip is on how syllable stress can affect the meaning of words.
    Remember that stressed syllables are said louder and are lengthened, and unstressed syllables are pronounced more softly, and often have the vowel sounds reduced.
    Sometimes, this difference can be the difference between a verb and a noun, or an adjective.
    There are at least 14 pairs of words in which syllable stress alone makes this difference.
    Some examples include `addict, a`ddict, `convict, con`vict, `perfect, per`fect.
    一些例子包括:`addict, a`ddict, `convict, con`vict, `perfect, per`fect.
    Each time the second syllable is stressed, the word is a verb.
    When the first syllable is stressed, the word is either a noun or an adjective.
    Let’s look some examples more closely.
    `Permit and per`mit, `permit和per`mit A `permit is a noun, it is a piece of paper which authorizes you to do something.
    For instance, a fishing `permit allows you to go fishing.
    Permit is a verb.
    It means to allow.
    For instance, fishing isn’t per`mitted here without a `permit.
    Another example is `perfect and per`fect. `Perfect is an adjective.
    另一个例子就是`perfect和per`fect,`perfect 是一个形容词。
    It means 100% correct, no mistakes or errors.
    The verb is perfect, it means to make something perfect.
    perfect 是个动词,意思是使…完美。
    For example, “I want to per`fect my English” means “I want to make my English perfect”.
    比如说, “我想改善我的英文”意思是“我想让我的英文变得完美”.
    Make sure you stress the right syllable. It can be the difference between different parts of speech.
    This has been today’s daily tip. Till then, tomorrow, for another tip on learning English.
    语 音
    字母y在单词中的发音:1、双音节或多音节词末发[ i ]。
    例:baby happy windy sunny sorry candy many family party
    婴儿 开心的 有风的 晴朗的 对不起 糖果 许多 家庭 聚会
    课外补充:2、y在单音节词末发[ ai ]
    例:by 乘坐 my 我的 why 为什么 cry 哭 fly 飞
    1、询问他人的外貌或性格:-What’s he/she like? - He/She is kind/…
    2、一般疑问句的问与答:—Is he/she…?—Yes, he/she is. —No, he/she isn’t.
    —Do you know…? —Yes, I do. —No, I don’t
    3、be动词的三种形式am, is, are与人称代词连用的用法:
    I + am,
    He, she, it,人名、物名+ is
    We, you, they + are
    4、Ms., Miss, Mr., Mrs.的区别:
    Ms. [miz](缩略词)(用于女子的姓氏或姓名前,不指明婚否)女士;
    Miss [mis](用于未婚女子的姓氏或姓名前,以示礼貌)小姐,女士;
    ](mister的缩略词)(用于男子的姓氏或姓名前)先生;EMr. [mist
    Mrs. [misiz](用于已婚女子的姓氏或姓名前)太太;夫人。
    and “和,与”,表并列关系 He is tall and thin. 他又高又瘦。
    but “但是”,表转折关系 He is short but strong. 他个子矮,但是身体强壮。